Nude girl. Swinging in Gdansk

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Video Carlota
Location: Gdansk
21 years old

About Carlota

Tired m4w. I ready dating.

Leading a healty lifestyle i conduct myself with manners, respect and compassion, qualities i admire in a lover!. • Classic erotic massage. Let's put it this way life is short and it needs to be lived to the fullest. If you want to know more feel free to send me a message in English, French, Polish or Spanish. I am fluent in the first three of those as for Spanish I am learning it so sorry to you Spanish guys you will have to be patient with me.. Thank you for your contribution in flattening the curve. I like having sex in the back with two hot boys.


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Sexual Fantasies:

✅Travel Companion
✅Smoking (Fetish)
✅Disabled Clients
✅Sauna / Bath Houses
✅Cum in mouth
✅Massage anti-stress


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  • Carlota 0
  • Carlota 1
  • Carlota 2
Location: Gdansk
23 years old

About me

lets talk. m4w. I am wants sex dating.

I am a French Brunette, well-educated (Phd), cultured, with a curious very passionate nature, porcelain-blue eyes, 1m69, natural F-cup & dress size medium. We are long time friends and have been getting together in our bedrooms since our teenage years . I (Khloe) know every part of Kristen's body and so does she . We can teach you a thing or two ...or maybe you can teach us ?:-D . Those 20 letters total to 102. Mia Sollis takes a sun bath 8 min.


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