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Video Agnes
Location: Macedonia
26 years old

About Agnes

My name is Lane, I am lbs. I graduated from UofA with a degree in wildlife science a few years ago. I love spending time outdoors hiking and backpacking, after graduation I spent several months backpacking the Pacific Crest Trail in California. I would absolutely recommend that everyone do this at some point in their life, it was an awesome experience. I intend to do more long distance backpacking in the future. I have lived in Tucson for 14 years now and my dog Shady and I must have hiked every trail in and around the area twice. I am involved with the Tucson Herpetological Society and regularly go herping (looking for reptiles) in the summer. I have two ball pythons I've had since I was like twelve years old. I have a dirtbike and go riding as often as my work schedule permits. I have a large family who I am very close to. My numerous nieces and nephews mean the world to me. I even have several friends with children to whom I am known as Uncle Lane. I am an excellent communicator and am very open, honest, and easy to get along with. I care very much for the people close to me and would do anything for them. I was born and raised in a small town in Florida and have pretty traditional values; manners, respect, consideration. I was raised the only boy in a house full of girls so I am very in tune with women's emotions, I think it made me a bit more sensitive than most guys also, though I can hide it well when need be. For the most part, I wear my heart on my sleeve and don't hesitate to show people how much I do or don't care for them, life is too short to not be upfront about stuff. It can be quite difficult to work out a meaningful relationship with someone else if you can't even be honest with yourself. I have a good job, great family, pets and home, all that's really lacking in my life is a special lady to share it with. I am mostly interested in independent women who are active, and in good shape, you'll have to be to keep up with me. Someone who appreciates the small things in life. I love kids and would not be opposed to the idea of dating someone with kids. Well, I hope you find this letter intriguing and humor me with a response, look forward to hearing from you. Cheers, Lane. I want sex tonight.

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  • Agnes 0
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Location: Macedonia
33 years old

About me

Single sober sorry SOB. Ready real sex dating.

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