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Video Paola
Location: Tirupati
19 years old

About Paola

We sat behind you and you let us borrow something. Hope ur cruse was fun. You were easy to talk to and thought maybe we could chat more.. I am looking dating.

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  • Paola 0
  • Paola 1
  • Paola 2
Location: Tirupati
31 years old

About me

just got out of relationship with sex everyday and now i have my hand...NOT cool. I am really good in the sack and love to eat pussy. you will not be disappointed. email me and I will send pics. I am wanting teen sex.

Escort service in munich+airport. I like new things, walking in the rain, holiday on the beach, animals, I like to be the nice girl I am, good food and wine, movies and much more. I like candid, kind, expressive, funny, intelligent people, with varied interests. I am a Portland girl, and a native Oregonian. I have a BA in psychology and Spanish. I like painting, and all kinds of art. I love to cook. I am kosher at home, and careful not at home. I respect my body, and I will respect you, and your family. Children need to be protected from adult issues. I love science fiction, and suspense, and romance too. I like to garden in pots, but I am not very good at fixing things. I love Israel, and I always will. I love and am proud of our country, and Oregon, too. I have grown children, that come and go. I love to be comfortable at home, but I would like to travel, and see what I have missed. I think that manners, respect, kindness, and hygiene are still important in this rough world. Life is tough for everybody, we need to be kind to each other. There is beauty and something to be learned everywhere we look. "The Matrix" is my favorite movie for all these reasons. I also like the original "The Day the Earth Stood Still", and "The Dead Zone". "Star Trek" is a given. My favorite comedies are "While You Were Sleeping","Moonstruck", and "Sense and Sensibility" (the one with Emma Thompson).. Relaciones Ocasionales en San Miguel.


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