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Video Lisa
Location: Gualeguay
28 years old

About Lisa

Panties. Searching sexy chat.

Lola. • Classic erotic massage. well I'm Tracy and I'm here for something real. if you're not real don't bother to message me cos i know how to figure that out, I'm looking for a serious and long time relationship if there's one on here. feel free to text me, we may have something in common.. Girlfriend Sex clip 5 min 5 min -. I want to fucking with a man whose cock more than 18 cm.


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Sexual Fantasies:

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Location: Gualeguay
30 years old

About me

I have done this a few times and it didn't work out so I'm going to try again. Here is a little about me. I'm 27 5'6, slim. I have never been married. I don't have any . I don't smoke. I work full time at an automotive plant and I'm also a Firefighter/ First Responder on a volunteer Fire . I love being outside and love camping. What am I looking for? I'm looking to find someone that I can grow old with. I'm not looking for I'm serious about having a serious relationship. any age around 24-30. Please have a job and a car. I like to learn more about you if you are interested so please send me a message with a little about you and a is welcome and put your favorite color in the subject line so I know its not junk mail.. Wanting real sex dating.

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